ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2019. Vol. 29

Species Сomposition and Dynamics of Сiliophora in Small Water Bodies in Downstream Basin of Taranai River (South of Sakhalin Island, Russian Far East)

A. G. Panov

The article describes the results of studies of ciliofauna in three small lakes and one small watercourse in downstream Taranai River (Sakhalin Region of Russian Far East) in summer 2016 and 2018. In the course of the study was identified 93 species of ciliates. For the first time in the freshwaters of southern Sakhalin, were recorded 17 species of Ciliophora. 36 types of ciliates met at the study area in many places. Fluctuations in environmental factors significantly affect the changes in the fauna of the communites of protozoa. There were 6 species (Blepharisma steini, Bl. coeruleum, Pseudoblepharisma tenue, Drepanomonas revolute, Plagiopila nasuta and Carchesium batorligetiense) only in lake Bol’shoe (Large); 3 species (Aspidisca polypoda, Rhabdostyla inclinans and Vorticella marginata) – only in lake Zapadnoye (Western) and 4 species (Spirostomum minus, Euplotes moebiusi, Prorodon brachyodon and Pleuronema crassum) – only in lake Vostochnoye (Eastern). Blepharisma lateritium and Aspidisca major have been found only in the watercourse. In both 2016 and 2018, only 3 species were encountered – Uronema marinum, Tachysoma pellionellum and Acineria uncinata. Сharacteristic for riverine fauna Stylonychia mytilus complex, St. purina, Litonotus cygnus have not been found in lakes. In lake Vostochnoye the average indicator of "generic saturation" approximately corresponds to the average value (1.58) but in Bol’shoe and Zapadnoye lakes and in the watercourse it was lower, in comparison with other studied reservoirs of Russian Far East. In comparison, reduced indicators of "generic saturation" were typical for freshwater objects with higher anthropogenic load. The results of comparative analysis of the ciliofauna of the studied freshwater objects of the lower reaches of the Taranai River showed that in all pairs the value of Kj-m was negative, so it is more legitimate to talk about the species differences existing between the objects. The largest number of species found in reservoirs and in the watercourse belonged to the benthic and periphytic ecological groups and to the trophic group of bacterio-detritophages. According to the analysis of saprobity of the detected species and the calculated saprobity index the studied reservoirs and watercourses are as α-mesosaprobic (polluted) natural objects.

About the Authors

Panov Aleksandr Gennadyevich, Senior Lecturer, Sakhalin Institute of Railway Transport, Branch of Far Eastern State Transport University, 126-в, Fizkulturnaya st., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693007, Russian Federation, e-mail: allergen_925@mail.ru

For citation

Panov A.G. Species Сomposition and Dynamics of Сiliophora in Small Water Bodies in Downstream Basin of Taranai River (South of Sakhalin Island, Russian Far East). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 29, pp. 24-39. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2019.29.24 (in Russian)

Sakhalin Region, ciliofauna, species composition, faunal similarity, comparative analysis, ecological groups, trophic groups, water reservoir saprobity

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