ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2018. Vol. 26

Morphogenetic Properties of the Steppe Soils of Verhniy Kuitun Tract (Barguzin Depression, Buryatia)

E. G. Tsyrempilov, V. L. Ubugunov, V. I. Ubugunova, E. N. Aleskerova

Soils with cryo-humus accumulation of organic matter and carbonate accumulation are formed on the sandy hill of the tract Verhnii Kuitun in the Barguzin Basin in a sharply continental climate, under feather-solid sedge communities, pale yellow metamorphism is found in some cuts. Superficial organogenic horizon has a dark brown color and low humus content. Accumulative-carbonate horizon is diagnosed by the maximum content in the profile of pedogenic carbonate formations. Horizon C has a light grain size distribution with a predominance of medium and fine sand; alkaline and strongly alkaline reaction; humus content not more than 0.20 %. The horizons of the studied soils are characterized by the following color features that clearly manifest themselves and correspond to the diagnostic parameters of cryohumus (5YR or 7.5 YR, lightness 5–6, saturation 2–4), pale-metamorphic (10YR, lightness 7–8, saturation 3) and accumulative carbonate horizons (10YR, lightness 7–8, saturation 3–6). In the study area, soils with the profile АК-ВСА-Сса are widely distributed. According to the principles stated in the classification of the soils of Russia the soils with the profile АК-ВСА-Сса are proposed to be diagnosed as a type of cryo-humus accumulative-carbonate by the presence of cryo-humus and accumulative-carbonate horizons. Anthropogenically transformed soil variants are diagnosed by the upper agrogumus horizon with signs of stratification and regradation: Pwr–, Pw or P. These soils are subject to active eolian processes, which manifest in the form of layered eolian sediments, in the clarification of the humus horizon and an increase in the fraction of medium and coarse sand. The humus content in the stratified horizon is low. Because of the application of sandy carbonate materials, the stratified horizon has an alkaline reaction. A cluster analysis of the similarity of morphological and physicochemical properties, performed by the method of a single bond, taking into account the Euclidean distance, revealed the unification of cryoarid accumulative-carbonate and agro-cryo-arid soils.

About the Authors

Tsyrempilov Enkhe Galsanovich, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Junior Research Scientist, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670037, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 43–31–65, e-mail: enhetsyrempilov@mail.ru 

Ubugunov Vasiliy Leonidovich, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova St., Ulan-Ude, 670037, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 43–31–65, e-mail: ubugunovv@mail.ru 

Ubugunova Vera Ivanovna, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670037, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 43–32–56, e-mail: ubugunova@mail.ru 

Aleskerova Evgenia Narimanovna, Graduate Student, Buryat State Agricultural Academy, 8, Pushkin st., Ulan-Ude, 670024, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 43–32–56, e-mail: alex.zhenia@yandex.ru

For citation

Tsyrempilov E.G., Ubugunov V.L., Ubugunova V.I., Aleskerova E.N. Morphogenetic Properties of the Steppe Soils of Verhniy Kuitun Tract (Barguzin Depression, Buryatia). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 26, pp. 54-68. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2018.26.54 (in Russian)

soils, morphology, physical and chemical properties, Barguzin depression, sand massif, Verhniy Kuitun tract

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