ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2017. Vol. 22

Physarum schroeteri and Polyozellus multiplex – Rare Myxomycete and Aphyllophoroid Fungus Recommended for Red Data Book of Novosibirsk Region

V. A. Vlasenko, A. V. Vlasenko
One rare species of Myxomycetes Physarum schroeteri and one rare species of aphyllophoroid fungi Polyozellus multiplex from the foothill areas of the southeast of Western Siberia are recommended for inclusion in the next edition of the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region. First records of aphyllophoroid fungi from Western Siberia regions are cited. Information on their distribution and habitats is provided. These species of different rare occurrence and spread of the disjunction. P. multiplex is a stenobiont and is able to develop only in the dark coniferous fir-tree taiga.The species is characterized by a disjunctive distribution with mass centers in North America and East Asia. Physarum schroeteri is distributed predominantly in mountainous and foothill systems. Only three of its locations are known in Russia. Findings of rare species on the territory of nature monuments of regional importance in the Novosibirsk region make it possible to consider them not only as an object of protection of unique landscape complexes and plant communities, elements of the flora, but also as an object of protection of the diversity of fungi and fungal-like protists.
myxomycetes, aphyllophoroid fungi, rare species, new data, Novosibirsk region, Physarum schroeteri, Polyozellus multiplex

1. Vlasenko A.V. Vidovoe raznoobrazie i taksonomicheskaya struktura miksomitsetov zonalnykh i intrazonalnykh biotopov ravninnoy territorii yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri [Species Diversity and Taxonomic Structure of Slime Molds in the Intrazonal and Zonal Habitats of Plains Area on South of West Siberia]. Rastitelnyy mir Aziatskoy Rossii [World of Plants of Asian Russia], 2013, no. 2, pp. 3-11. (in Russian).

2. Vlasenko A.V. Miksomitsety [Myxomycetes] Dinamika ekosistem Akademgorodka [Dynamics of Ecosystems of the Academgorodok in Novosibirsk Sity]. Novosibirsk, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2013, pp. 177-183. (in Russian).

3. Vlasenko A.V. Miksomitsety [Myxomycetes] Rastitelnoe mnogoobrazie Tsentralnogo sibirskogo botanicheskogo sada [Plant Diversity of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden]. Novosibirsk, Geo Acad. Publ. House, 2014, pp. 255–284. (in Russian).

4. Vlasenko A.V., Vlasenko V.A. Bioraznoobrazie griboobraznykh protistov i afilloforoidnykh gribov v pamyatnikakh prirody regionalnogo znacheniya Novosibirskoy oblasti «Berdskie skaly» i «Kamenistaya step u sela Novososedovo» [Biodiversity of Fungus-like Protists and Aphyllophoroid Fungi in Two Regional Nature Monuments of the Novosibirsk Region «Berdsk rocks» and «Stony steppe near Novosessedovo village»]. Trudy Tigirekskogo zapovednika [Proceedings of the Tigirek Nature Reserve], 2015, vol. 7, pp. 199-200. (in Russian).

5. Vlasenko A.V., Vlasenko V.A. Pervaya nakhodka Physarum schroeteri (Physaraceae, Myxomycetes) v Aziatskoy Rossii [The first Finding of Physarum schroeteri (Physaraceae, Myxomycetes) in Asian Russia]. Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: biologiya, klinicheskaya medicina [Bulletin of Novosibirsk State University. Series Biology, Clinical Medicine], 2014, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 37-39. (in Russian).

6. Vlasenko A.V., Novozhilov Yu.K. Miksomitsety sosnovykh lesov pravoberezhnoy chasti Verkhnego Priobya [Myxomycetes of Pine Forests on the Right Bank of the Upper Ob Region]. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya [Mycology and Phytopathology], 2011, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 465-477. (in Russian).

7. Vlasenko A.V., Novozhilov Yu.K. Taksonomicheskaya struktura bioty miksomitsetov sosnovykh lesov pravoberezhnoy chasti Verkhnego Priobya [Taxonomic Structure of Myxomycetes Biota in Pine Forests of the Right-bank Part of the Upper Ob Region]. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya [Mycology and Phytopathology], 2011, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 478–488. (in Russian).

8. Vlasenko A.V., Novozhilov Yu.K., Vlasenko V.A. Miksomitsety stepnykh soobshchestv ravninnoy territorii Altayskogo kraya [Myxomycetes of the Steppe Communities of the Flatten Territory of the Altai Region]. Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Biologiya, klinicheskaya medicina [Bulletin of Novosibirsk State University. Series Biology, Clinical Medicine], 2013, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 5–12. (in Russian).

9. Vlasenko A.V., Novozhilov Yu.K. Fenologicheskie osobennosti miksomitsetov sosnovykh lesov pravoberezhnoy chasti Verkhnego Priobya [Phenological Features of Myxomycetes of Pine Forests of the Right-bank Part of the Upper Ob Region]. Rastitelnyy mir Aziatskoy Rossii [World of Plants of Asian Russia], 2011, no. 2, pp. 3–8. (in Russian).

10. Vlasenko V.A. Taksonomicheskiy sostav i struktura bioty trutovykh gribov sosnovykh lesov pravoberezhya Verkhnego Priobya [Taxonomic composition and structure of bracket fungi biota of pine forests on the right bank of the Upper Ob region]. Rastitelnyy mir Aziatskoy Rossii [World of Plants of Asian Russia], 2009, no. 1, pp. 13–18. (in Russian).

11. Vlasenko V.A. Redkie i novye vidy trutovykh gribov lesostepnykh sosnovykh lesov pravoberezhya reki Obi [Rare and New Species of Bracket Fungi of Forest-steppe Pine Forests on the Right Bank of the Ob River]. Altay: ekologiya i prirodopolzovanie. Trudy VIII rossiysko-mongolskoy nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i studentov [Altai: Ecology and Nature Management. Proceedings of the VIII Russian-Mongolian Conference of Young Scientists and Students]. Biysk Altaiskii Gos. Gumanitarno-Pedagogicheskii Univ. imeni V.M. Shukshina, 2009, pp. 59-64.

12. Vlasenko V.A. Biotrofnye vidy afilloforoidnykh gribov Novosibirskogo Akademgorodka. Priznaki raspada drevesiny [Biotrophic Species of Aphyllophoroid Fungi of Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. Signs of the Decay of Wood]. Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University], 2010, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 33–35.

13. Vlasenko V.A. Trutovye griby (Polyporaceae s.l.) sosnovykh lesov lesostepnoy zony pravoberezhya Obi [Bracket fungi (Polyporaceae s.l.) of pine forests of the forest-steppe zone on the right bank of the Ob River]. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya [Mycology and Phytopathology], 2010, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 3-9. (in Russian).

14. Vlasenko V.A. Afilloforoidnye griby [Aphyllophoroid fungi] Dinamika ekosistem Akademgorodka [Dynamics of Ecosystems of the Academgorodok]. Novosibirsk, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2013, pp. 168-176. (in Russian).

15. Vlasenko V.A. Afilloforoidnye griby sosnovykh lesov pravoberezhya Verkhnego Priobya [Aphyllophoroid fungi of pine forests on the right bank of the Upper Ob region]. Novosibirsk, Geo Acad. Publ. House, 2013, 105 p. (in Russian).

16. Vlasenko V.A. Afilloforoidnye griby [Aphyllophoroid fungi]. Rastitelnoe mnogoobrazie Tsentralnogo sibirskogo botanicheskogo sada [Plant Diversity of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden]. Novosibirsk, A Geo Acad. Publ. House, 2014, pp. 208–255. (in Russian).

17. Vlasenko V.A., Vlasenko A.V., Egorova A.V. Afilloforovye griby i miksomitsety – indikatory otsenki sostoyaniya lesnykh ekosistem zakaznikov «Kudryashovskiy bor» i «Tsentralnyy» Novosibirskoy oblasti [Aphylloforoid fungi and myxomycetes as indicators for the assessment of forest ecosystem of nature sanctuaries «Kudryashovsky Bor» and «Centralnyy» in Novosibirsk Region]. Okhrana prirody i obrazovanie: na puti k ustoychivomu razvitiyu. Materialy nauchnо-prakticheskоy konferentsii «Problemy i perspektivy territorialnoy okhrany prirody v Novosibirskoy oblasti i sopredelnykh regionakh» i «Obrazovanie dlya ustoychivogo razvitiya Novosibirskoy oblasti» [Nature Conservation and Education: Towards the Sustainable Development. Proceedings of Conference «Рrоblеms аnd Prоspects of Territorial Nature Protection in thе Nоvоsibirsk Rеgiоn аnd Adjacent Regions» and «Education for Sustainable Development оf thе Novosibirsk Rеgiоn»]. Novosibirsk, 2009, pp. 26–28. (in Russian)

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