ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2018. Vol. 23

Basic Principles and Provisions of the Composition of Ecological-Meliorative Zoning of a Soil Cover of Cisbaikalia

А. А. Sugachenko, O. G. Lopatovskaya
The article is devoted to the study of ecological-meliorative potential of Cisbaikalia. The principles, regulations and methods of implementation of ecological-meliorative zoning of the soil cover, carried out at the preliminary stage of planning of reclamation activities are developed. The scheme of constructing a schematic map of ecological-meliorative zoning is proposed. The system of taxonomic units of zoning includes zone, region, district and soil reclamation complex. Within the Cisbaikalia there are 4 zones: I – the irrigation zone. II – zone of irrigation, drainage and chemical reclamation III – zone of focal drainage / irrigation and thermal melioration IV – zone of focal agricultural development. As environmental-meliorative areas proposed: land in need of drainage land suitable for selective irrigation of moisture-loving crops in dry periods of vegetation land suitable for selective irrigation against the backdrop of a complex of agrotechnical and cultural measures with the introduction of organo-mineral fertilizers land in need of irrigation land in need of chemical melioration saline land land that is not subject to agricultural development. Main characteristics of the ecological zones of the CIS-Baikal region are presented.
For citation:
Sugachenko А.А., Lopatovskaya O.G. Basic Principles and Provisions of the Composition of Ecological-Meliorative Zoning of a Soil Cover of Cisbaikalia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 23, pp. 78-86. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2018.23.78 (in Russian)
soil, melioration, improvement of ecological-meliorative zoning, Cisbaikalia

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