ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2024. Vol 49

Focus of Opisthorchiasis in Irkutsk Region, East Siberia: Habitat Features of Intermediate and Definitive Hosts of Opisthorchis felineus

S. P. Veprikov, O. T. Rusinek

Currently, the Irkutsk focus of opisthorchiasis is the easternmost known in Russia. It is located in the Taishetsky district of the Irkutsk region, most of which belongs to the Biryusa River basin. The area of the Irkutsk focus of opisthorchiasis is significantly smaller than the western outbreaks. The climate of the Taishet region is close in its characteristics to the climate of the KhantyMansi Autonomous Okrug, on the territory of which a significant part of the Ob-Irtysh focus of opisthorchiasis is located. In the middle and lower reaches, Biryusa is flat in nature and forms a network of floodplain reservoirs. The water temperature in the summer months exceeds 15°C, which makes the reservoirs suitable for habitation of the mollusks Opisthorchophorus (Bithynia) troschelii (Paasch, 1842) - the first intermediate hosts of Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884). The period of activity of bithinids in the water bodies of the Biryusa River basin lasts about 2 months. The second intermediate hosts of opisthorchis in the Taishet region are cyprinids (order Cypriniformes): roach Rutilus rutilus, bream Abramis brama), Siberian dace Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis). In addition to the listed species, golden crucian carp Carassius carassius and tench Tinca tinca inhabit the reservoirs of the Taishet region, but currently we have no information about the infection of these fish species with opisthorchiasis. The level of fish infestation with O. felineus metacercariae, according to our own and literature data, remains relatively low throughout the entire study period from 1982 to 2023. The maximum peak of invasion (20%) was recorded in 2023. The definitive hosts of opisthorchis in the Taishet region are people, domestic and wild animals. The water bodies of the Taishet region are inhabited by muskrat (Ondatra zibethica), whose infestation with O. felineus was 16.7% in 2022, and 2.9% in 2023. Irkutsk focus of opisthorchiasis is similar to western eurasian foci in a number of factors: the climate of the region; flat terrain; a developed network of floodplain reservoirs in the middle and lower reaches of the river; high trophicity of most reservoirs where intermediate and definitive hosts of opisthorchis live; the presence of shallow coastal parts of reservoirs with a large amount of fine detritus. Distinctive features of the Irkutsk outbreak are: the small area of the Taishet region; limited number of reservoirs suitable for habitation of the first intermediate hosts of opisthorchis; relatively poor species composition of second intermediate hosts.

About the Authors

Veprikov Sergey Pavlovich, Junior Research Scientist, Baikal Museum SB RAS, 1, Akademicheskaya st., Listvyanka Settl., Irkutsk Region, 664520, Russian Federation, e-mail: pochtovik108@yandex.ru

Russinek Ol’ga Timofeevna, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Principal Research Scientist, Baikal Museum SB RAS, 1, Akademicheskaya st., Listvyanka Settl., Irkutsk region, 664520, Russian Federation, e-mail: rusinek@isc.irk.ru

For citation

Veprikov S. P., Rusinek O. T. Focus of Opisthorchiasis in Irkutsk Region, East Siberia: Habitat Features of Intermediate and Definitive Hosts of Opisthorchis felineus. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 33-51. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2024.49.33 (in Russian)

Irkutsk focus of opisthorchiasis, geography, geology, climate, hydrochemistry, intermediate and definitive hosts.

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