ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2024. Vol 49

Cenotic Characteristics of Plant Communities with Nuphar pumila (Nymphaceae) in Aapa Mires in the Southern Prebaikalia (East Siberia)

A. D. Samusenok

Current data on the state of some least water-lily Nuphar pumila coenopopulations in the aapa mires located between the lower reaches of the Khara-Murin and Pan’kovka rivers under the northern slope of Khamar-Daban Ridge near the southeastern shore of Lake Baikal are presented. N. pumila is a perennial aquatic herbaceous plant of the Nymphaceae family, protected and listed in the Red Books of many regions of Russia from the North-West to the Far East, e.g. Moscow, Sverlovsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and Sakhalin regions. N. pumila is common in still or slowly flowing reservoirs, marshes and marshy lakes. As a result of changes in living conditions, N. pumila population is declining. During geobotanical studies, coenopopulations of N. pumila were discovered in lakes of aapa mires in the area of the Khara-Murin River (Irkutsk region, Slyudyansky district). Due to the peculiarities of the ontogenesis of the studied aapa mires, the presence of a large number of small resevoirs contributed to the spread of the N. pumila. The study was carried out in aapa mires in the area of the Khara-Murin river, near the Murino village, at 169 km of the Irkutsk – Ulan-Ude highway. The mire massifs under study were designated as Zuevskoe, Bol’shoye and Medvezhye. In total, 9 coenopopulation loci of N. pumila were discovered in 8 small reservoirs and 24 geobotanical descriptions of aquatic plant communities were completed. In the Zuevskoe and Bol’shoye mires, the state of the cenopopulations was assessed as satisfactory, individuals at the stage of vegetative reproduction predominated, and plants with developed generative sprouts are presented. Projective coverage in communities was 25-50%. In the Medvezhye mire, the optimal conditions for the distribution of N. pumila were violated, as indicated by the small number of individuals and the depressed state of the vegetative organs, possibly due to the predominance of Carex pilosa in water bodies.

About the Authors
Samusenok Anna Dmitrievna, Lecturer, Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: sergey_murik@mail.ru
For citation

Samusenok A.D. Cenotic Characteristics of Plant Communities with Nuphar pumila (Nymphaceae) in Aapa Mires in the Southern Prebaikalia (East Siberia). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 3-18. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2024.49.3 (in Russian)


least water-lily, Nuphar pumila, aapa mire, marsh lake, protected species, KhamarDaban Ridge, Khara-Murin River, Pan’kovka River.


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