ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2023. Vol 43

Assessment of Features of Athletes Adaptation to Specific Loads

L. A. Simonyan, M. G. Aghajanyan, M. R. Asatryan, M. R. Sargsyan
In the present work we set a goal – to study and evaluate the features of athletes adaptation to specific for wrestling loads. It was investigated 27 freestyle wrestlers at age 17-27 years at rest and after performing two specific tests: I – anaerobic test for the number of wrestling dummy throws “to failure”, II – aerobic-anaerobic 6'-test for the number of wrestling dummy throws with alternating slow and spurt parts. The number of throws in I test, as well as the number of throws in the spurt parts of II test was recorded. Before and after the load, an electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded and the concentration of lactate in the blood was determined. Based on the mathematical analysis of the ECG by the method of variational pulsometry according to R. M. Baevsky, the study of heart rate variability (HRV) with an assessment of the stress index was carried out. The number of throws in the tests, the concentration of blood lactate before, at 3' and 10' recovery, heart rate and the amplitude of the Rv5, Tv5, Tv6 waves on the ECG, as well as the magnitude of the HRV stress index before, after and at 10' recovery were determined. Based on the data obtained, we concluded that the performance of athletes is ensured through the tension of the functional systems of the wrestlers, which is expressed in the tension of the aerobic-anaerobic components of general endurance and the delay in recovery processes. The dynamic of stress index shows that the central mechanisms of autonomic regulation, which are activated during heavy loads, continue to dominate in the recovery. Of interest is the progressive decrease in the amplitude of Tv5, Tv6 waves at 3' and 10' recovery, as well as the progressive increase in the stress index at 10' recovery in vagotonics. Perhaps this exercise-induced effect is related to pronounced activation of the sympathetic nervous system, mobilization of energy and metabolic resources of the body and the continuing dominance of the central mechanisms of regulation in the recovery process. The results of the study confirming various aspects of the body's adaptation to physical stress and various levels of autonomous and central autonomic regulation, can contribute to the correction of the volume and intensity of training sessions and control over the functional status of wrestler’s organism.
About the Authors

Simonyan Lusine Armenovna, Candidate of Science (Biology), Associate Professor, Head of Department, State Social and Humanitarian University, 30, Zelenaya str., Kolomna, 140411, Russian Federation, E-mail: lusinesi1@mail.ru

Aghajanyan Marina Gerasimovna, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 11, A. Manukyan st., Yerevan, Armenia, e-mail: amg_3746@yahoo.com

Asatryan Marina Rolandovna, Associate Professor, Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 11, A. Manukyan st., Yerevan, Armenia, e-mail: marina.asatryan@sportedu.am

Sargsyan Margarita Rubenovna, Assistant, Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, 11, A. Manukyan st., Yerevan, Armenia, e-mail: marsar2015@mail.ru

For citation
Simonyan L.A., Aghajanyan M.G., Asatryan M.R., Sargsyan M.R. Assessment of Adaptation Features of Athletes to Sport-Specific Loading. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2023, vol. 43, pp. 75-82. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2023.43.75 (in Russian)
adaptation, athletes, physical loads, electrocardiography, lactate, autonomic regulation

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Full text (russian)