ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2021. Vol 36

Magnetic Susceptibility of Permafrost Meadow-Chernozem Soils of Central Yakutia

A. P. Chevychelov, A. A. Alekseev, L. I. Kuznetsova

Magnetic susceptibility was studied for the first time, as well as geographical and genetic features of the formation of properties and composition of permafrost meadowchernozem soils in Central Yakutia, depending on the conditions of soil formation and anthropogenic impact. A total of 11 soil sections were studied, with 6 soils developing under natural vegetation, and 5 under various agricultural lands. Various soil research methods, such as comparative geographical, profile-genetic, and comparative-analytical, were used in the course of this work, and the composition and properties of soils were determined using generally accepted methods. The volume magnetic susceptibility (VMS) was determined using a smallsized magnetic susceptibility meter KM-7, which is an improved version of the kt- 6 kappameter. The value of the specific magnetic susceptibility (SMS) was obtained by dividing the VMS value by the soil density p (expressed in kg/m3), χ = χ/p. It is shown that the properties of the studied soils differed significantly depending on the conditions of soil formation, as well as on the nature and level of anthropogenic impact. Also, the values of VMS and SMS of these soils of natural landscapes of Central Yakutia changed significantly, making up 31.4-138.9 Si units, respectively. 31.4-102.3ꞏ10-8 m3/kg. Even more variable values of VMS and SMS were observed in anthropogenic-modified analogs of the studied soils, where the values of VMS were 31.5-267.8 Si units, and those of SMS– 30.6-199.8ꞏ10-8 m3/kg. The magnetic profiles of the studied soils, which are characterized by the ratio χ/χin the soils of natural landscapes corresponded to a more or less uniform type of distribution, where the values of the ratio χ/χc were 0.7-1.3, while in the studied soils of anthropogenic landscapes the values of these relations significantly narrow down and expanded to 0.2-2.0. This cardinally distinguishes the magnetic profiles of the studied permafrost meadow-chernozem soils from the corresponding chernozem soils of other non-permafrost regions of Russia, where accumulative types of magnetic profiles are usually formed, and the ratio χ/χc in the surface humus horizons is about 1,5 or even more.

About the Authors

Chevychelov Aleksandr Pavlovich, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Principal Research Scientist, Institute for Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone SB RAS, 41, Lenin av., Yakutsk, 677980, Russian Federation, e-mail: chev.soil@list.ru

Alekseev Aleksey Alekseevich, Laboratory Assistant, Institute for Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone SB RAS, 41, Lenin av., Yakutsk, 677980, Russian Federation, e-mail: alex3.fromru@gmail.com

Kuznetsova Lyubov Ivanovna, Engineer, Institute for Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone SB RAS, 41, Lenin av., Yakutsk, 677980, Russian Federation, e-mail: likkol@yandex.ru

For citation

Chevychelov A.P., Alekseev A.A., Kuznetsova L.I. Magnetic Susceptibility of Permafrost Meadow-Chernozem Soils of Central Yakutia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2021, vol. 36, pp. 57-71. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2021.36.57 (in Russian)

permafrost meadow-chernozem soils, composition and properties, magnetic susceptibility.

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