ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2021. Vol 36

Characteristics of Serratula centauroides (Compositae) Coenopopulations in Transbaikalia (East Siberia)

V. M. Shishmarev, T. M. Shishmareva
The coenopopulations of Serratula centauroides in various plant communities of Transbaikalia have been studied. In the study areas 10 geobotanical descriptions were made in plant communities with the participation of S. centauroides. In the investigated area S. centauroides is found on dry rocky slopes, in herb and sandy steppes. Depending on the growing conditions, the density of individuals in coenopopulations ranges from 0.18 to 1.80 individuals per 1 m2. The highest occurrence of S. centauroides is noted in communities dominated by Gramineous and Artemisia: Gramineous-Artemisia-herb, Filifolium-Artemisia-Gramineous, Gramineous-Artemisia, Oxytropis-Gramineous and Allium-Artemisia. Studied coenopopulations S. centauroides are confined to the following communities: Filifolium-herb, Gramineous- Artemisia-herb, Sophora-herb, Filifolium-Artemisia-Gramineous, Gramineous-Artemisia, Agropyron- Carex, Carex-herb, Oxytropis-Gramineous and Allium-Artemisia. The phytomass, biological and exploitation resources, the possible volumes of annual harvesting of raw material of S. centauroides were determined. The phytomass of S. centauroides herb ranges from 8.10±3.46 to 75.93±19.55 g/m2 (air-dry raw material). The average phytomass of 1 individual of S. centauroides herb varies from 13.67±3.59 to 67.14±14.30 g (air-dry raw materials). The total biological resources of S. centauroides herb is 777.9 t (fresh raw materials) and 266.8 tons (air-dry raw materials). The total exploitation resources of S. centauroides herb is 224.7 t (fresh raw materials) and 79.8 t (air-dry raw materials). The possible volume of annual harvesting of raw materials of S. centauroides in the studied coenopopulations on the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia amounts to 37.5 t (fresh raw materials) and 13.3 t (air-dry raw materials).
About the Authors

Shishmarev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Junior Research Scientist, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation, e-mail: shishmarev.2015@mail.ru

Shishmareva Tatyana Mikhailovna, Candidate of Sciences (Pharmaceutcs), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation,e-mail: shishmarevatm@mail.ru

For citation
Shishmarev V.M., Shishmareva T.M. Characteristics of Serratula centauroides (Compositae) Coenopopulations in Transbaikalia (East Siberia). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2021, vol. 36, pp. 16-23. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2021.36.16 (in Russian)
Serratula centauroides, Compositae, coenopopulation, phytomass, biological and exploitation resources, possible volume of annual harvesting of raw materials, Transbaikalia

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