ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2019. Vol. 29

Distribution of Baikalian Omul Сoregonus migratorius (Georgi, 1775) in the Water Area of the Barguzinsky Fish-ing Region of Lake Baikal according to Sonar Data

A. V. Varnavskii

The article is devoted to the analysis of data on Baikalian omul Сoregonus migratorius (Georgi, 1775) obtained using the hydroacoustic method of accounting. Material was collected in the Chivyrkuisky and Barguzinsky bays of Lake Baikal in 2000–2008. The accounting was carried out in June – July from the vessel “PTS-150” project, from which control trawlings of detected accumulations of fish were carried out. Trawling was carried out at a vessel speed of 4.5 km / h, to a depth of 50 m. To obtain control catches from maximum depths, gill nets of standard size were used. To collect sonar data, the ASKOR hardware-software complex was used. The complex automatically calculates the number of fish in the water layer up to 300 m and determines the size range of targets, starting with a commercial fish length of 2 cm. Omul in the Barguzinsky Bay hibernates at depths of 200–400 m, but already in April it is found at a depth of 150–100 m, and in May it reaches shallow waters. In the Barguzin Bay in June the omul biomass was very small (1-2 kg/ha), apart from the summer data of 2001, when the total stock of omul was more than 500 tons (97 kg/ha). In summer, a significant part of omul (33 % in abundance and 36 % in biomass) remains at a depth of 100-250 m, where dense clusters of large-sized fish are formed, probably near-bottom groups. In Chivyrkuisky Bay, there is a population of omul belonging to the bottom-deep-water morpho-ecological group. This omul spawns in the rivers flowing into the Chivyrkuisky Bay, and its range is limited to this bay, and Sosnovka Bay, which is part of the Barguzinsky Bay. According to sonar survey data, the bulk of omul was concentrated in the central part and in the depths of the Chivyrkuisky Bay – in the water area between Cape Kurbuliksky and Bezymyanny. Omul concentration reached here of 1000–2000 ind/ha. Two small-sized spots of omul concentration were noted in the immediate vicinity of the Bol’shoy Chivyrkuy River – spawning river of the Chivyrkuy omul population. It cannot be ruled out that it was the omul that created the clusters. The total omul biomass in the bay is estimated at 254 tons (20.9 kg/ha).

About the Authors

Varnavskii Andrei Valentinovich, Senior Specialist, Baikalian Branch of VNIRO FSBSI, 4b, Khakhalov st., Ulan-Ude, 670034, Russian Federation, e-mail: daos@rambler.ru

For citation

Varnavskii A.V. Distribution of Baikalian Omul Сoregonus migratorius (Georgi, 1775) in the Water Area of the Barguzinsky Fishing Region of Lake Baikal according to Sonar Data. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 29, pp. 40-59. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2019.29.40 (in Russian)

sonar data, Baikalian Omul, distribution, biomass, water temperature, Lake Baikal

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