ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2018. Vol. 26

Vegetable Feed of Roe Deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall., 1771) within the Basin of the Goloustnaya River (Southern Prebaikalia)

D. F. Leontiev, O. P. Vin'kovskaya

Based on the collected data from the basin of river Goloustnaya in 2015–2017 and definitions of plant remains (fragments of eaten plants) and presented materials of studied flora of vascular plants used by Capreolus pygargus in the diet. The general list includes 68 species from 46 genera, 23 families. Roe deer uses in food 30 species of woody plants from 17 genera and 8 families. The most preferable in winter time, when living conditions are harsh, basically are Populus tremula L., Rosa acicularis Lindl., Swida alba (L.) Opiz, Cotoneaster melanocarpus Fisch. ex Blytt, Salix bebbiana Sarg., S. caprea L., S. dasyclados Wimm., S. rhamnifolia Pall., S. taraikensis Kimura, S. viminalis L. Considering coniferous plants, animals willingly eat terminal shoots of young individuals of Pinus sylvestris L. and P. sibirica Du Tour, whose height is not more than 1 m. Strong eating of these species is noted in the places of the most density conifer’s population. The herbaceous plants identified by us are 38 species from 29 genera, 16 families. Obviously, this is not a complete list of plants used roe deer from the basin of river Goloustnaya in the diet. In the study area, 1349 species of vascular plants were registered, and just only 5.0 % were included in the diet list. Eighteen species were established that were not previously recorded among the forage for southern Prebaikalia roe deer: Ribes spicatum E. Robson, Equisetum fluviatile L., Allium microdictyon Prokh., Lilium pilosiusculum (Freyn) Miscz., Veratrum nigrum L., Bistorta officinalis Delarbre, B. vivipara (L.) Delarbre, Aconitum barbatum Pers., Ranunculus polyanthemos L., Thalictrum minus L., Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch, Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., Angelica sylvestris L., Dasystephana macrophylla (Pall.) Zuev, Veronica longifolia L., Saussurea parviflora (Poir.) DC., Tanacetum vulgare L., Tragopogon orientalis L.

About the Authors

Leontiev Dmitriy Fyodorovich, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor, A. A. Ezhevsky Irkutsk State Agricultural University, 1/1, Molodyozhny settl., Irkutsk region, 664038, Russian Federation, tel.: (3952) 23–73–30, e-mail: ldf@list.ru 

Vinˈkovskaya Oksana Petrovna, Candidate of Science (Biology), Associate Professor, A. A. Ezhevsky Irkutsk State Agricultural University, 1/1, Molodyozhny settl., Irkutsk Region, 664038, Russian Federation, tel.: (3952) 23–73–30, e-mail: urbanoflora@yandex.ru

For citation

Leontiev D.F., Vin'kovskaya O.P. Vegetable Feed of Roe Deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall., 1771) within the Basin of the Goloustnaya River (Southern Prebaikalia). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 26, pp. 94-101. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2018.26.94 (in Russian)

forage plants, diet list, siberian roe deer, Capreolus pygargus, Goloustnaya River, Prebaikalia

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