ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2018. Vol. 26

Phenology of Migrations and the Stay of Anseriformes in Baikal Siberia

E. N. Badmaeva, Ts. Z. Dorzhiev, R. Yu. Abasheev

Data on a phenology of migrations and duration of stay the Anseriformes of the birds of the Baikal Siberia presented by 37 views from 14 families of order Anatidae are generalized. At all types seasonal communication with the territory is legiblly traced, only the small share of views of a wintering has only small part of population on Lake Baikal and in the Angara River source. Terms of migrations by years at all types are rather stable, but weather conditions can influence them. Spring migration of waterfowl stretch almost for two months (from third decade of March until the end of May), and at different types from 10-15 to 50-60 days can last. The peak of spring flight the Anseriformes is noted in the middle of April. Noticeable differences are revealed at different types in intervals between an arrival of the advanced individuals and a mass arrival – at some it equals to 2-5 days, at others - can reach 15–20 days. During the periods of return of cold weather there is decrease of the activity of migrations which some shift of terms of flight and also formation of additional peaks of migration activity follows. In northern areas of the region waterfowl appear later in the spring, than in the southern areas for 10–20 days. Autumn migration is dragged out (August – the end of October – the middle of November). The majority of flying and flying types the Anseriformes of birds leaves the region before adverse conditions. Mass flight of some types isn't expressed owing to a rarity of meetings. The nesting Anseriformes stay in the region from 5.5 to 7.5 months, flying types – from 1.0 to 3.3 months. Stray types are noted generally at the end of the spring migration period or in the fall. Stay terms the Anseriformes are bound to topical and fodder conditions of the region and also the internal causes depending on a seasonal rhythmicity of a year cycle of birds.

About the Authors

Badmaeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Candidate of Science (Biology), Associate Professor, Buryat State University, 24a, Smolin st., Ulan-Ude, 670000, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 21–03–48, e-mail: calidris03@gmail.com 

Dorzhiev Tsydypzhap Zayatuevich, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor, Buryat State University, 24a, Smolin st., Ulan-Ude, 670000, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 21–03–48, e-mail: tsydypdor@mail.ru 

Abasheev Roman Yurievich, Candidate of Science (Biology), Associate Professor, Buryat State University, 24a, Smolin st., Ulan-Ude, 670000, Russian Federation, tel.: (3012) 21–03–48, e-mail: abashrom@yandex.ru

For citation

Badmaeva E.N., Dorzhiev Ts.Z., Abasheev R.Yu. Phenology of Migrations and the Stay of Anseriformes in Baikal Siberia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 26, pp. 28-40. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2018.26.28 (in Russian)

Anseriformes, bird migration dates, residence time, Baikal Siberia
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