ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2017. Vol. 22

Litogenic Matrix in Pedogenesis Realized at Phosphorite Deposits-Based Landscapes of Mountain Area of Howsgol Lake (South of Baikal Rift Zone, East Siberia)

N. A. Martynova
The complex researches of Mongolian phosphorites soils was conducted in aspect of deepening of fundamental knowledges about pedogenesis processes, forming on phosphate-carbonate rocks at permafrost influence conditions. The influence on organo-mineral matrix properties of mountain soils, forming on litogenic basis of Hovsgol Lake Ongolignur phosphorite deposit at the south of Baikal rift zone have been investigated. The peculiarities of properties and genesis, biochemistry and mineralogy of automorfny phosphorite’ soils of tundra, forest and meadow-steepe high-altitude zones of south-west Hubsugul lake area, which were developed at the area of deposite’ exits to the daily surface, have been detected. The producing capacity and biodiversity of biocenosises, also influence of zonal-climatic factors and lithogenic basis of the deposit on properties and genesis of soils have been investigated. The formation of unique cascade landscape-geochemical systems and exotic classes of natural landscapes with a wide range of lithogenic soils and biodiversity have been identified. The matrix of soil formation, which is transforming throught the silicate component, stabilizing and strengthening of organo-mineral soil’s substances and throught the "maturation" process of humic acids and iron- and aluminum-clay humate complexes, also throught the sensory and reflectivity of soils, have been determine by lithogenic basis (phosphorites, represented by francolite). The conducted investigation are determine the nessesity of preservation of unique landscapes and maintenance of priorities of sustainable development at buffer zone of World’s Heritage area.
phosphorite soils, litogenic matrix in pedogenesis, mountaine soil’s ecology, organo-mineral matrix, soil cover sustainability, preservation of unique landscapes

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Full text (russian)