ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2018. Vol. 23

Results of Introduction of Bergenia craccifolia (L.) Fritsch in Taiga Zone of Western Siberia

I. N. Turbina, I. V. Kravchenko
The article presents the results of analysis of Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritschin conditions of Western Siberian taiga zone. Authors note that Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch belongs to the rythmological group of long-term vegetation long-rooted polycarpous plants, phenorhythmtype is spring-summer-winter-green with late spring flowering. Blossoming started in the second decade of May at the sum of positive temperatures ranging from 127,9 ºC to 329,9 ºC. It is emphasized that seeds of Bergenia crassifolia are fully-featured, with high laboratory viability − 86, 7 %. The potential seed efficiency averaged 2507, 25±112,56 ovules per one reproductive shoot. The species is capable of natural vegetative reproduction. Comparison of photosynthetic pigments accumulation in green leaves of B. crassifolia seasonal dynamics in two vegetative periods revealed that weather conditions of the year 2017 enabled the increase of chlorophyll level throughout the entire period of development by 1,5−2 times in comparison with the same period in the year 2015. In case of carotinoids, further decrease in the vegetation phase has been revealed. For both seasons, the maximum accumulation of carotenoids in autumn (the phase of vegetation) is typically, which increases the resistance to adverse effects in the winter period. High value of the ratio chlorophylls/carotenoids in the summer period (phases of budding, flowering, fruiting) confirms the satisfactory physiological conditions of plants.
For citation:
Turbina I.N., Kravchenko I.V. Results of Introduction of Bergenia craccifolia (L.) Fritsch in Taiga Zone of Western Siberia.The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 23, pp. 43-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2018.23.43  (in Russian)
leather bergenia, plant introduction, West Siberia, phenorhythmotypes, development phase, photosynthetic pigments, adaptations
582.717 (571.122) +630*182.47(571.122)




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