ISSN 2073-3372 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Biology. Ecology». 2018. Vol. 23

Zooplankton Structure and Structure of Nocturnal Migratory Complex of Benthic Amphipods in Bol’shoi (Large) Ushkany Island Area (Lake Baikal) at Night Time (June-July)

V. V. Takhteev, I. V. Arov, E. A. Misharina, E. B. Govorukhina, I. O. Eropova, D. A. Batranin
At the Bo’lshoi Ushkany Island in Ushkany archipelago (Lake Baikal) at depths from 4 to 150 m produced a total sampling with plankton net with the intent of studying the composition and structure of zooplankton and the night migration complex (NMK) benthic amphipods, emerging during the night in the pelagic zone. NMK of amphipods was investigated in 2002 and 2017, zooplankton in 2017. The mesozooplankton is characterized by an absolute dominance of Epischura baikalensis (98,6–100 %), more pronounced than in other parts of Lake Baikal. The main part of Epischura population are immature copepodites, there is a sharp predominance of males. Its number varied from 194 to 15147 ind./m³ and highest value was observed at a depth of 10 m. Rotifera are very few, the Cladocera are completely absent. The total number of organisms of meiobenthos (Harpacticoida, Cyclopoida, Ostracoda) does not exceed 1 %. Zooplankton of the coastal zone of the island of Bol’shoi Ushkany was typical for early summer of open pelagic zone of the Lake. Benthic amphipods in all samples are not rich, identified 21 species. In the composition of NMK abundant and often are dominated by species of the genus Echiuropus, the semi-pelagic species Micruropus wohlii platycercus was regularly caught. The greatest abundance of NMK of benthic amphipods is observed to the depths of 18–25 m, deeper it decreases sharply. At shallow depths (10.4 m) single discovered pelagic Macrohectopus branickii.
For citation:
Takhteev V.V., Arov I.V., Misharina E.A., Govorukhina E.B., Eropova I.O., Batranin D.A. Zooplankton Structure and Structure of Nocturnal Migratory Complex of Benthic Amphipods in Bol’shoi (Large) Ushkany Island Area (Lake Baikal) at Night Time (June-July). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology. Ecology, 2018, vol. 23, pp. 54-67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3372.2018.23.54 (in Russian)
Baikal Lake, Ushkany Islands, zooplankton, nocturnal migratory complex, amphipods, Macrohectopus branickii, quantitative abundance

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